Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tips for Staying Active With Kids and Family

If you have children , of course , you want to make sure that they grow fit and healthy . But it also knows that it is hard to juggle work , family, and physical activity . Still , setting a healthy example is a good start . So if you are looking for ways to get your kids involved , check out these family tips .
    Tips for Staying Active With Kids and Family
  1. Help your family get active : When it comes to heart health , it is important that we think not only of our cardiovascular health , but also that of future generations . One study last year found that obese children have so much plaque in their arteries as a 45-year -old adults , setting them up for heart disease and other serious health conditions much earlier than their parents .If you have children , of course , you want to make sure that they grow fit and healthy . But it also knows that it is hard to juggle work , family, and physical activity . Still , setting a healthy example is a good starting point ; Research shows that parents who are physically active increases the likelihood that their children will be active as well. So if you are looking for ways to get your kids involved , check out these tips 
  2. Plan outdoor activities : Set aside one day a week to do something active as a family : swimming in summer , tobogganing in winter or hiking , or biking in spring and autumn. Carrying a lunch - picnic and a splurge on some healthy snacks after a good workout , it will help the day without a complaint .
  3. Take classes together : Ask around at fitness clubs and community centers in your area yoga or aerobics classes offered to parents and children together . If your little one is too young to participate, look for classes that help burn calories with your child from their integration into yoga moves or pushing them along during buggy workouts . No kids ? Discover the partner yoga or even Doga - Yup , yoga for you and your dog .
  4. Redo your family roomRedo your family room : Too often , family rooms are the center of laziness in a house : a comfortable sofa , a game console , one full of DVD shelf, and nothing to encourage fitness or physical activity . There are ways to add subtle reminder, however, without revision or dragging the whole room into a giant piece of workout equipment . Set a time limit for watching television every week and to integrate these essential elements Skinny House to keep the whole family moving .
  5. Make chores fun : Instead of relegating each family member to do the chores separate yourself , turn chores into a game all you can do together . Race to see how fast you can get the house clean , and then try to beat your old time next week . Listen to music while you're doing the laundry , and enlist the children to sing and dance while helping to fold and put away clothes. Take the dog for walks together , and squeeze in some running , roller skating , or jumping rope , while you're at it .
  6. Make over your meal plan : This is not necessarily a peak of physical fitness , but it is also worth mentioning : Families healthier eating also tend to have other healthy habits , such as ' regular physical activity . If you want to lose weight after having a baby or just want to eat better in general , get your whole family involved and you're more likely to succeed . Take the kids to the farmers market , let them choose their own fruit and vegetables , and involve them in the preparation of food . They are much more likely to enjoy their meals and to clean their plates .

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